Friday, January 23, 2015


According to Pope Francis' in his latest visit in the Philippines
“Don't ever lose the memory of when you were boyfriend or girlfriend. That is very important”
Like any other bible quote, it’s vague but sounds inspiring
Until reality slaps you with a situation where you can totally relate

An old saying proclaims that a married couple should be like 2 pillars
Close enough to let the wind pass through them
Which simply means that each spouse should always have that space between them
Such amount of space to still let each other grow as an individual

Going back to Pope Francis’ quote all I can say is that it’s easier said than done
Romance is slowly killed by the realities of things that should not even bother you
Things and people enter your life not because you want them but because they are part of a                                  package
A package that you don’t have a choice but embrace

Rekindling the looks you shared as unmarried couple will be a challenge
Especially when the look your partner gives you is scrutinized by people who shouldn’t be in                               the equation.
Those equation unfortunately matters
Hence, you have no choice but to respect it

However respect begets respect and works 2 ways
If that equation doesn’t work like most math problems
The only solution is gloriously flunk it
Simply put, ignorantly put a smile on your face and pretend everything is okay

When everything seems impossible who else could you turn to?
It might sound cheesy but a good old quick prayer will cool you down
The calmness in prayer reigns in your emotion and anger
Let’s you think that the best solution is still kindness

To all married couples who are working hard to let the other equation work
Patience, diplomacy, prayers and an instant amnesia will just do the trick
Quickly forget what has been said and focus instead on the immediate family
                   you’ve got

After all words can only hurt you if you let them

Monday, January 12, 2015

Janrine Arwen Leophine

December 24 is the defining date that would change my life forever.
At 5:45pm, 9 months of waiting has finally ended.
Skin to skin; life tingles my anesthesia filled skin.
A soft kiss on the forehead sealed that bond that will forever define my nature.

Who would’ve thought such cries would be an angelic voice to my ear.
Who would’ve thought things such as poop would be an amazing thing.
A simple smile even at 3 in the morning is such a power booster
Never wanting that bond to end.

The suckle of your mouth on my breast resonates life all over me.
The pain of your bite is a testament of my heart’s willingness to bleed for you.
Although it’s too early for your sight to recognize me
As soon as your cries stop when it touches my chest, recognition of bond begins.

The future is so much brighter now.
The pain of childbirth more endurable because of your face.
Everything is clear and at the same time uncertain.

But what is certain is that all things bright and beautiful is now possible.